ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre - Minor eye treatments

Ophtalmologic Centre ArtLife

Minor eye treatments

- clear vision without slight imperfection
- quick and painless procedures in ambulatory conditions
- qualification and surgery on the same day

Minor eye treatments

Minor eye treatments involve lesions around the eyes and on the surface of the eyeball. To see the need for the implementation of the procedure, its details and the course, make an eligibility test-cost study we subtract from the price shown above.

We offer the following minor eye treatments:

  • the removal of cysts the conjuctiva o eyelid skin
  • the removal of warts
  • the removal of chalazion
  • cut tufts of yellow
  • cut of pterygium.

Eyelid or conjunctival cysts

A cyst of the eyelid or the conjunctiva is usually a result of a bacterial infection, yet it might also be caused by obstructed tear ducts or using cosmetics which are past their expiration date. It usually has the form of a fluid-filled growth. Its removal is a short and painless procedure during which an incision is made and the lesion is extracted.

Conjuntival papillomas

Conjunctival papillomas are divided into two types:

  • pedunculated conjunctival papillomas are caused by the same virus which leads to skin warts,
  • sessile papillomas are a result of human papilloma virus infection (HPV subtype 16 and 18) and may have a dysplastic nature.

Sessile papillomas are often located in the lower recess of the conjunctival sac, but it may also develop in the eyelid conjunctiva, the plica semilunaris of the conjunctiva or the lacrimal caruncle. Many of such papillomas spontaneously resolve without intervention within a few months or years and then they do not require any treatment. If the papilloma is pedunculated and small, does not disfigure the eye and is aesthetically acceptable, it may be left for observation, and if it increases in size and becomes troublesome, it needs to be removed surgically.

Sessile papillomas are often solitary tumours with a flat base, located in only one eye. They are often found in the bulbar conjunctiva near the corneal limbus. In case of sessile papillomas, their constant monitoring or surgical removal is required.


Chalazion is a chronic inflammation of the sebaceous meibomian gland caused by an obstruction of gland orifices and stagnation of sebum. It appears through a painless swelling on the edge of the eyelid (which may initially resemble a sty). For local treatment of chalazion, ointment and eye drops with antibiotics are used in order to prevent bacterial infection. If the chalazion does not disappear after such treatment, it should be removed surgically.


Pterygium is a fleshy growth on the bulbar conjunctiva, which advances onto the cornea (transparent part of the eye which covers the eye bulb from the front, up to the border with bulbar conjunctiva) forming a characteristic triangular shape. If the pterygium is so big that it impairs vision or significantly disfigures the eye, it may be removed surgically.


Xanthelasma is yellowish papular lesions usually located in the area of the eyelids, caused by cholesterol deposits in the skin. As a result of excessive lipid deposition, flat patches develop on the eyelids near the inner corner of the eye. Treatment is based on surgical removal of the lesions. Small scars are easy to hide in skin folds of the eyes, especially the upper ones.


Pinguecula is a yellowish spot or follicle on the bulbar conjunctiva, usually on the side closer to the nose. It usually appears in both eyes and may be a result of chronic eye irritation or UV exposure. If it becomes troublesome, it may be removed surgically.

All of the above mentioned minor eye treatments are performed ambulatorily in local anaesthesia, using disposable materials, in comfortable conditions.

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