News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

Laser vision correction with cross-linking – combined procedure


Laser vision correction with cross-linking – combined procedureCross-linking – application

The procedure is most often associated with the treatment of keratoconus. It involves strengthening the collagen fibers of the cornea, making it even three times stiffer.

Over the years, the cross-linking procedure has gained wider application in ophthalmology, including the treatment of corneal infections (fungal or bacterial) that are resistant to pharmacological treatment, as well as degeneration/ectasia. Cross-linking can successfully be combined with the laser vision correction procedure, for which the most suitable correction method is selected on the basis on individual medical indications.

SBK LASIK laser vision correction + cross-linking

The SBK LASIK method involves creating a small flap in the frontal, topmost layer of the cornea. It allows for effective correction in the case of more severe refractive errors, provided that the thickness of the cornea is sufficient. If a patient has severe myopia (above -6 dioptres) and their cornea is thinner than 500μm, performing a safe laser vision correction procedure in the standard way will be impossible. In such a case, it might be helpful to combine the SBK LASIK procedure with cross-linking. This combination is applied when the cornea is healthy and the main reason for the application of the cross linking treatment is its strengthening. In this way, we can prevent potential complications, such as corneal ectasia.

TransPRK laser vision correction + cross-linking

The TransPRK (StreamLight) method involves the removal of the corneal epithelium with the use of a laser. It is frequently performed in patients who tend to be prone to injuries (sportspeople, uniformed services employees) or in those who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic corneal scarring or have excessively thin cornea. TransPRK is normally used to correct milder refractive errors.

The combination of the TransPRK and cross-linking procedures is a chance for positive qualification for the laser vision correction surgery for patients with diagnosed keratoconus or other types of ectasias, e.g. pellucid marginal degeneration.

What is the course of the combined procedure?

In the combined procedure, before the cornea is prepared for the laser treatment (vision defect correction), it is soaked in riboflavin solution (vitamin B), and after that the laser vision correction procedure is performed. At the end, the cornea is exposed to a special UV lamp. In this case, the exposure takes only 5 minutes (CXL rapid).

Is the convalescence period following the combined procedure different from the standard one after the laser vision correction surgery?

Adding the cross-linking procedure does not change the course of the convalescence period in any way. All the postoperative recommendations to follow after the surgery remain the same. However, the combined procedure lasts longer than the laser vision correction performed separately and it takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

Do you have severe myopia and you want to say goodbye to glasses or contact lenses? Or maybe you have been disqualified from the laser vision correction surgery before due to insufficient corneal thickness or diagnosed keratoconus? Make an appointment for the preliminary examination qualifying for laser vision correction and check if you are eligible for the combined procedure!
