Why we should wear sunglasses |
04.04.2014 |
From the very beginning of spring and for the whole summer much more light than during normal, cloudy days reaches our eyes. Prolonged exposure to UV beams may harm the eyes and worsen the sight. Just as we protect our skin with sun filter cream in order to prevent skin diseases, we should protect our eyes.
Ordinary, plastic sunglasses, without filters or polarisation cannot protect our eyes. They are no more than a fashionable add-on supplementing our image. We should not be guided only by fashion but also by our comfort, safety and health.
The safest way to buy sunglasses is to buy them at optician's, where we can find a professional protection for our eyes - sunglasses with UV filter and polarisation, available in multiple, fashionable designs.
It is important, while choosing the glasses, to look at the colour of the lenses. They should not be too dark - black colour makes our pupils dilate, letting even more light inside our eyes than it would while we wouldn't be wearing any glasses. We should choose glasses with big lenses that are close to our eyes. Proper protection against sunlight enhances vision, gives perfect acuity and comfort.
We should care about our eyes, as we have only one pair of them for our whole life!