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Eye accommodation disorders


Eye accommodation disordersWhat is eye accommodation?

Eye accommodation is a complex process which enables us to see objects clearly regardless of their location. It is directly connected with the change in the shape of the intraocular lens..

The ciliary muscle allows for proper accommodation. When it contracts, we are able to focus our eyes on an object that is close, and when it relaxes – everything that we see in the distance becomes sharp.

Eye accommodation disorders related to ciliary muscle malfunction

It happens at times that the process of eye accommodation may be distorted, which manifests itself with excessive or insufficient contractions of the ciliary muscle. This is usually caused by:

  • Certain eye diseases (e.g. inflammation of the iris),
  • Neurological disorders, muscle paralysis,
  • Inappropriately selected glasses/contact lenses correction,
  • Head injuries,
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol or other stimulants
  • Prolonged staring at a computer or smartphone screen – common cause of eye accommodation disorders in young people or even in children. Initially, it manifests itself as problems with sharp vision when shifting eyes from closely located objects to objects located further away. After all, the ciliary muscle is constantly tense, and it remains so even when looking into the distance. The eye exhibits apparent myopia, because distant vision is blurred.

Accommodation disorders related to the loss of intraocular lens elasticity

It develops between 40 and 50 years of age and affects everyone. It has nothing to do with a refractive error and it is not an eye disease either. Presbyopia is a natural aging process of the eye tissues. Its typical symptoms include difficulty seeing close objects and reading small fonts (e.g. in newspapers or text messages).

In this case, the mechanism of ciliary muscle contraction still functions properly, but – as a result of aging – b, which in turn distorts the accommodation process.

Accommodation improvement methods

  • In the case of presbyopia – wearing plus reading glasses or progressive glasses if presbyopia is additionally accompanied by a refractive error. An alternative to progressive glasses might be multifocal contact lenses, and as far as surgical methods are concerned – laser vision correction (with the use of so-called monovision), refractive replacement of the intraocular lens or phakic intraocular lens implantation.
  • Relaxing exercises – If you spend long hours in front of a computer or smartphone screen, it is worth doing exercises that will help you relax the eye muscles. Take regular break from work - look into the distance for at least 20 seconds, then shift your gaze to an object located at close range. Repeat the same activity a few times, at least once an hour.

If the reason behind accommodation disorders is eye diseases, injuries or inappropriately selected correction, it is recommended to make an appointment for consultation with a specialist so as to select the most suitable course of treatment.
