News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

Thyroid diseases and laser vision correction


We have been recently observing a rapid increase in Hashimoto occurrence. Not only women suffer from this disease these days as problems with the thyroid gland also affect men and adolescents or even children. Are thyroid diseases a contraindication to a laser vision correction? How can you prepare yourself for the procedure if you suffer from a thyroid disease and you want to get rid of your vision defect forever?

Thyroid diseases are listed among other contraindications to the procedure of laser vision correction, yet they do not disqualify you completely. If you are under constant endocrinological care, and your hormonal balance is stable, then you can by all means consider having a laser vision correction.

Thyroid diseases and how they affect the body

Thyroid activity is regulated by the pituitary gland, which produces thyrotrophic hormone (TSH) whose role is to stimulate the thyroid to produce hormones which in turn inhibit TSH secretion. Such mechanism generates a so-called negative feedback loop which enables the hormones to remain at the right level. This balance is disrupted by inappropriate hormone production in thyroid diseases, e.g. hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or thyroiditis. One of the most common types of thyroiditis is Hashimoto – an autoimmune disease which has recently become one of the main reasons why we need to visit an endocrinologist.

Can Hashimoto hold you back from having a laser vision correction?

Like other thyroid diseases, Hashimoto may be a contraindication to the procedure, yet it does not have to disqualify you completely. Everything depends on the current condition of our body, and most importantly on our hormonal balance. What does it really mean?

Before we take the decision to undergo a laser vision correction, our hormonal balance has to be restored and remain stable. We also need to remember that our hormonal therapy, i.e. the type and dosage of drugs we receive, has to be administered in an unchanged form for at least six months after the procedure, which will prevent hormone fluctuations. You should bear in mind the fact that thyroid diseases may slow down the healing process in the eyes.

Therefore, to be qualified for a laser vision correction it is necessary to provide a medical certificate from your endocrinologist regarding the degree of the disease, stabilisation of hormone levels and lack of contraindications to the laser vision correction procedure.

It is also essential to undergo a qualifying preliminary examination, during which a number of specialised tests are run in order to resolve any doubts and rule out any medical contraindications to a laser vision correction. Before you make an appointment, you can start by completing a Preliminary Qualification Form on our website, where you can also ask your own questions to obtain more information about.
