ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre - laser vision correction  - location and access




Location and Access: how to get to the ArtLife Ophthalmologic Centre?

Access by public transport from the Gdańsk Oliwa station

You should get off the SKM or PKP train at the Gdańsk Oliwa Station and after leaving the platform go right to the bus terminal, from which the following buses depart:

The ArtLife Ophthalmologic Centre is located at the Horizon Centre, on the ground floor of one of the grey and orange blocks of flats opposite the bus stop.

Access by public transport from the Central Railway Station in Gdańsk

You can reach the ArtLife Centre from the Central Station by one of the following trams:

Both routes have a stop at Brama Wyżynna and Central Station. You should get off the tram at Bora-Komorowskiego stop and head towards Przymorze Shopping Centre, and then go along Obrońców Wybrzeża Street towards the sea (approximately 10-minute walk).
The ArtLife Ophthalmologic Centre is located at the Horizon Centre on the ground floor of one of the grey and orange blocks of flats on the left, just behind the police station.

It is also possible to get to the ArtLife Centre from the Central Station in Gdańsk by bus:

Access by public transport from Wrzeszcz and Nowy Port

In order to reach the ArtLife Ophthalmologic Centre from Wrzeszcz, you can take one of the following buses:

If you travel from Nowy Port, you can choose


ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre - laser vision correction  - location and access